whats the right kind of PDA to buy my wife?
2005-12-14 19:39:39 UTC
whats the right kind of PDA to buy my wife?
Two answers:
2005-12-14 20:26:28 UTC
Well that really is a broad question..

Anyways assuming she needs something simple and quick a Palm based PDA will be best. Now you hav to decide on cost and features. Cheap, basic models are Z22 and Zire 31 but if you want a good screen you should look for Zire 72, T5 or TX. I hav a Zire 72 and it's a cool all in one device. an mp3 player, a decent Camera & a fast CPU means u r limited only by the apps u install.

Look at the features on Palm website n decide urself.
2005-12-14 21:34:17 UTC
If your wife is a Windows user, then I recommend a Windows Mobile Pocket PC. Dell and HP make very good Pocket PCs.

If she uses Mac or Linux, then I would buy a Palm.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.