Telenav is the most common used GPS Navigation system for cell phones. I had the Blackberry 8800 that came with the Telenav service already installed. But i got rid of it for the Blackberry Pearl 8120 the newest addition. I was on the Telenav website lookin for the application when i saw that they only had the Blacberry Pearl 8100 addtion available for the GPS service but you have to use the GPS Bluetooth reciever with the phone, unlike the Blackberry 8800 that already was bluetooth enabled for the navigation system. But on the at@t website it said that the BB pearl 8120 was Telenav GPS capable but on the website it doesnt show it as an option. So i would like to know do i just pick the 8100 option and does it work the same way since they are in the same Blackberry pearl series?